"I've been to HOLLYWOOD.
I've been to REDWOOD. I crossed the OCEAN for a HEART of GOLD. I WANT TO LIVE! I WANT TO GIVE!" -Neil Young It's been over 4 years since I graduated from Columbia College film school in Chicago, IL in May 2008. Right after I did I moved back to an apartment in the Detroit, Michigan area and since then my life has been a crazy journey trying to make sense of my mind and get it on track. Bipolar days never come easy for me, but I'm thankful for the true friends and family I have in my life. Though I know a lot of people I once knew well have left me over recent time, but I've learned to let them go. You can't worry too much about people who worry nothing of you. All you can do in this life is give it your best and appreciate those who truly love and help you and be thankful for having them in your life. As a filmmaker I've made a lot of progress in the last year and I hope to continue to keep things moving forward with it. The internet is the greatest tool I have right now to promote my work and I feel like I'm making a difference with it. I've been into film and video since I was ten years old and never plan to give up, ever. I'm 27 years old this year and soon enough with the help of my friends and family, I hope to make my dreams a reality. -(Elliot Gray Van Orman) "Your Life Is Your Life. Know It While You Have It." "Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you've ever been, to stand up taller than you than you ever were." "The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up."
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Welcome to the:
Elliot Van Orman ProductionsNEWS Blog!CEO/Owner of The Walking Dead Family Facebook page-project (that I started on September 12th, 2013) which is a home for fans of AMC's hit show "The Walking Dead" & all of it's other TWDUniverse spin off series/shows! The page currently has a very large following! www.facebook.com/TheWalkingDeadFamilyEGVO Genre:
Experimental-Documentary-Narrative-Music Videos-Commercial- The Walking Dead Family-BMX-Comedy-Bipolar. Author:Elliot Gray Van Orman: Archives:
September 2024
Interests include:
Film and video production, Filmmaking, Running my The Walking Dead Family Facebook page, The Walking Dead and all of it's TWDUniverse Spin off series/shows, Breaking Bad, Chucky, The Dark Knight Trilogy films, BMX, Traveling, Music, Modest Mouse, Tom Waits, Movies, Comedy, Acting, Coffee / Ice Coffee, Bipolar fun, Sleeping, Dreams, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Writing, Time, and LIFE? "A movie is never finished,
only abandoned." -George Lucas Contact:egvoproductions@
gmail.com 1-248-763-6815 |